Hello, James here.
I'm a Senior Product Designer with a focus on UI and a proven mastery of UX Design & Research. I have more than 15 years of professional experience working with cross-functional design and development teams under the agile process.
Recent Roles:
Lead Product Designer at Coradine Aviation Portland, OR.
Senior UX Product Designer at Moovel North America Portland, OR.
Co-instructor of UX Design at General Assembly Los Angeles, CA.
Contract Senior UX Designer at Disney Glendale, CA.
"Tell us about a project you worked on that identified a major UX problem and how did you solve it?"
Apple Watch App
Our pilots couldn't use the Logten iOS app due to cabin space restrictions, wifi signal inconsistency and lack of multitasking focus.
Pilots also didn't want to spend time retroactively entering flight times when they were off duty.
We had a backlog of features and solutions that were ready to be tested on the Apple Watch, so to expand our device support to include Apple Watch, I created a launch feature that solved a major friction point.
After studying the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), interviewing pilots and creating hypotheses, I designed, tested and iterated on an extremely well received solution in the form of an Apple Watch app that allows the pilots to tap once to record all 4 flight times without having to take their eyes and focus off their instruments.
This solution:
- increased our app engagement by 5% in the first 3 months
- increased flight input accuracy by 35% and
- user acquizition by 12% with a CAC of 1/4 of the LTV.
"Have you ever used A/B testing to improve a design? What were the results?"
Mobility App
For the Mobility App, I created 6 user flow variants of the trip-planning interface for a complex Multivariant test.
The purpose was to validate (or invalidate) an assumption that users will purchase tickets faster and more often if they have 2 real-time information data points namely, 'next arrival' and 'icon of transit mode location on map'.
I rolled out the test by splitting the user traffic to 2% per challenger variant for a total of 12% of our users.
The measures of success were based on:
- Engagement with the next arrival affordance
- Engagement with map transit icon
- Ticket add to cart rate
- Time to checkout
- Average order value
- Revenue per session
- Quantity per order
- Session start to checkout
Testing showed that one variant reduced 'Session start to checkout' time by 24%, increased 'Revenue per session' by 38% and improved user confidence in the route choices. We rolled out this variant as the final design based on these insights.
Case studyI am proficient in...
Case Studies
A selection of Featured Work

Transit Ticketing App for Mercedes
In-depth UX study to understand customer needs & launch an ios app. View Case Study

Creative Tools for Disney
In in-house workflow tool for Creative Executives to share new film ideas. View Case Study

Energy Portal for Grapple Agency
Prototype allowing companies to monitor site energy consumption. View Case Study